It was my birthday on Sunday. One more of these and I'll have occupied this Earth for three decades! I can't believe it. The day before, as I was getting ready to celebrate with all my friends the next day, I realised that I have a lot to be be grateful about, and it would probably be good for me to write them all down. So, here is what I'm grateful for at the ripe ol' age of 29:
- God
- mum, dad, kuv and crish
- brendan brendan brendan brendan brendan
- brendan's family
- wonderful friends. really, WONDERFUL!!
- awesome, cool neighbours who have become part of the family too
- a roof over my head
- never having to worry where the next meal is coming from
- running water
- music
- lattes
- the weather: sunshine, breezes, storm clouds and rain
- trees
- that i'm healthy, my body works (mostly!) and i have all my limbs, fingers and toes
- that the people i care about are healthy
- food glorious food (and my ability to taste it)
- that i have been blessed with intellect
- that i got to go to good schools
- that i can make people laugh every now and then
- hugs
oh man, i could go on and on. but for now that's it. bren took the photo above using a technique that resembles that of a spastic ninja... if you've seen him do it, you know what i'm talking about. he uses a setting with a longer aperture, snaps a picture while spasming the camera around. i roll my eyes everytime he does it, but damn, does it take a good picture.
that is a beautiful photo of you. cheers to another year of living fully!
thanks joo!!!
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