Friday, December 19, 2008

On Holiday!

I'm on holiday in Florida at the moment, visiting Bren's parents! Then, we're all going to drive up to their cabin in the Smokies! So, it'll probably be quiet here for the most part.

I will mention that we saw "Slumdog Millionaire" last night; it's a very strong film, which everyone in our little party adored. I had a couple of issues with it (the main character's Indian accent really wasn't very good) but overall, I really liked it. If you see it, let me know what you think!



bodaat said...

Rich and I loved it! I too thought that his accent was weak. I would have also loved the movie to have highlighted the beauties of India. Didn't help any existing stereotypes.

KooolOut said...

Loved it...even though i don't believe in love anymore :( I keed I keed.

all text and photographs on aartilla the fun © 2005-2009 Aarti Sequeira unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved.