Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Hothouse Films!

As I may have bragged to you before, Bren has been spearheading the film arm of the Hothouse, the improv theatre where we both take classes and perform.

It launches this Friday! So make sure you check the Hothouse Films YouTube channel on Friday, and check back every week for new episodes of the 7 series Bren created! If you prefer, you can subscribe to the channel, and it will email you when new episodes have been added I believe. Bren shot and edited these all by himself. It's amazing to think that two weeks ago, he didn't know how to edit on Final Cut! Now look at him!

As a taste of the quirky, sunshine-filled humour you might find in the coming weeks, check out the commercial Bren conceived, directed and shot for the Hothouse, emphasizing a little line we say to each other before we go on stage, a reminder that none of us is going on stage alone:




Rosesq said...

Al the best for today Bren for your Friday launch of Hothouse Films. I pray that it will lead to great things.

KooolOut said...

that a boy B MAC

all text and photographs on aartilla the fun © 2005-2009 Aarti Sequeira unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved.