Friday, October 17, 2008

To Every Season, Turn, Turn, Turn...

Hey guys!

We just got back from the East Coast, where with much vim and vigour, we celebrated the wedding of Bren's brother Jeremiah to a woman he's known his entire life, Sarah! Yippeee!

I only met Sarah about a year ago, and I admit: when Jed told me about this girl he was into, I was skeptical and protective as only an older sister can be (Kuv and Crish know what I'm talking about). But after only a few hours of hanging out with her, I was hooked. Sarah is the perfect match for Jed, and more importantly, the perfect match for me. Ha!

She very sweetly asked me to be a bridesmaid... so I wasn't able to take photos of the actual ceremony at all. Luckily, Bren's brother Will is dating a very very talented photographer, so we're all waiting with bated breath to see how all the photos come out. (On a selfish side note, I was able to fit into a dress I haven't been able to wear for FIVE YEARS! Yippee! Size 8 here I come!)

Some background before I show you this next photo. The story of Jed and Sarah is storybook perfect. Bren's mum, (Patte), Sarah's mum, (Marlene) and the mother of the maid of honor, Jill, (Marie) have been friends since they themselves were kids. Flash forward to now, a season that I only dream about now with my friends, ie: you'll have a boy, and I'll have a girl, and in 20 years, they'll get married so we'll always be in each other's lives!

And it happened! In fact, Marie found this unbelievable photo of Jed (the pudgy baby sitting on the left), Sarah (smiling coyly at the camera in her little bikini, a face I have seen her make now!), her brother Ryan sitting next to her, Bren (the pale, pale, skinny lad with astounding ab muscles standing in the back) and Jill, (sitting on the right with the big smile on her face). "First Summer Together". Amazing, isn't it?

They couldn't have gotten married at a better time of year. The trees in Boston and Maine were breathtaking, putting on their finest show before they lay bare for the next few months. I have never seen autumn like this; Chicago's autumn lasted about 3 days before winter kicked in and stole all the vibrancy away, and LA's autumn is laughable.

Bren's Uncle Brian shared his home with us, a gorgeous home south of Boston, with this as his backyard:

That's acres and acres of Nature Preserve, and an unused cranberry bog, which they fill up once it's cold enough so you can skate on it.

This is my favorite photo: you can see the trees reflected in the pond. COME ON! Beautiful enough?

Anyway, all this to explain the absence and why, sweet Elizabeth, I didn't post a recipe this week. Thankyou Eli for trying all my recipes out!!!


1 comment:

sarah said...

You're a love. I think that picture of us kids at the beach is so hilarious!

all text and photographs on aartilla the fun © 2005-2009 Aarti Sequeira unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved.