Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Tuesday's heroes!

The Tuesday's Hero prize is a tie between Brendan and our friend Ross!

I have been bipolar for the past few days (aaaahhh estrogen and progesterone), especially so yesterday. So rather than go to his evening Krav class, where he turns into a red-eyed hammer-fist monster, Bren chose to come home with me, and play cuddle-monkey. He threw down a quickie palette on the living room floor and we watched "Juno" (finally! So behind the curve!), which I adored and of course bawled my way through the entire birthing scene.


Then Ross called, and said he might stop by, and which point my chocolate sensors yelled "bring ice-cream!". *I* didn't yell. Just my chocolate sensors. Ross stopped by with not only two tubs of ice-cream (yipppeeeee!) but also these!!!

Tomato plants! And a little basil one too!

Ross had been working at a woman's house -- she had brought the seeds from Italy, and planted a good number of them. These were the extras, and are likely to be late-bloomers. I am so excited!

She gave us oxheart, marmande and roma. I might go out and get some brandywine seeds, since those are my favorite tomatoes, and those green zebra ones too! oooooh!



shinfain said...

curse you, ross

bodaat said...

I thought the pot said "Cox Heart". :) Have fun with your plants! Rich and I want to do the same but we can't seem to figure out where given our little pissers will piss on anything green that is shorter than 2 feet high!

elizabeth said...

I grow herbs, but growing actual FOOD?! That's definitely beyond me. Let me know how it goes!

all text and photographs on aartilla the fun © 2005-2009 Aarti Sequeira unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved.